
Class Description:

Dog agility is a competition where dogs and their handlers, as a team, are required to complete an obstacle course. Courses can include obstacles such as jumps, tunnels, weave poles, and others. These events and the training leading up to them are meant to be fun for both the dog and the handler.

For more information regarding dog agility, you can visit the following websites:

The American Kennel Club Agility page
The North American Dog Agility Council (NADAC) website
The United States Dog Agility Association (USDAA) website

People are taught:

Beginning dogs learn:

Advanced dogs learn:


Dog agility and other competitions involve off-leash work and other situations requiring a great deal of trust and control over your dog. As a result, this and all other competition- level classes require successful completion of the Canine Good Citizen class. Foundation agility requires any one of the following: Basic class, CGC class, or permission from the director.